ContextCapture User Guide

Add the scene description

The scene name and description are shown in the ContextCapture Web viewer. The scene name and description can both be defined in the Scene/YourProduction.3mx file. You can open the file with a text editor, and replace the name and description tag.

For example, a production called “YourProduction” will have the default root YourProduction.3mx look like this:

"3mxVersion": 1,
"name": " YourProduction",
"description": "Scene generated by ContextCapture, copyright <a href='' target='_blank'>Bentley</a>",
"logo": "logo.png",
"sceneOptions": [{"navigationMode":"PAN"}],
"layers": [
"type": "meshPyramid",
"id": "mesh0",
"name": "YourProduction",
"description": "Model generated by ContextCapture, copyright <a href='' target='_blank'>Bentley</a>",
"SRS": "– given SRS –",
"SRSOrigin": [0,0,0],
"root": "Data/YourProduction.3mxb"

To customize the message shown in the web viewer, you have to modify the name and description tags, shown in bold characters. The web application supports html tags in the scene description. For example, this tag:

"description": "Scene generated by ContextCapture, &copy;<a href='' target='_blank'>Bentley</a>",

will be shown in the application like this:

Note: be careful with quotation marks. Because they signal the end of a tag, quotation marks should not be used inside a scene description. For example, this code will produce an error:
Error: "description": "Scene generated by ContextCapture, copyright <a href="" target="_blank">Bentley</a>"

If you do wish to use quotation marks in your description, please use either ' or \":

OK: "description": "Scene generated by ContextCapture, copyright <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bentley</a>"